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The Mermoz high school winner of the AFEX Grand Prix 2012
The jury for the 2012 Afex Grand Prix for French Architecture in the World met on March 29 in Paris and named the French highschool Jean-Mermoz in Dakar (Senegal) as the winner.
The jury emphasized that the eleven selected projects are of high quality and testify to the great vitality of French architecture for export.

The high school Jean Mermoz of Dakar in Le Moniteur
The Jean Mermoz highschool in Dakar on the cover of the Moniteur of January 14, 2011.
Article 'A bioclimatic high school designed like a city' p.24

Mermoz high school at Les Jeudis de l'Architecture
Terreneuve is invited by François Chaslin to present the project of the French highschool in Dakar.
'Les Jeudis de l'Architecture' on France Culture.
Live broadcast Thursday February 10 at 3 p.m.