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Robert Doisneau High School Press Review
The Robert Doisneau high school at Corbeil-Essonnes, with De-So architects in the spotlight in the press.

French-Ecuadorian high school competition in Quito, Ecuador
The TERRENEUVE team, Paris with YES Innovation, Quito, is selected among 4 finalists for the competition of the Lycée Franco-Ecuadorien La Condamine in Quito, Ecuador.

Laureate Eco-Quartier middle school, Rémire-Montjoly, French Guyana
The Territorial Collectivity of French Guyana has chosen the TERRENEUVE project, associated with Barbosa-Vivier / Botanik / Egis / Axyal, to build the Rémire Ecoquartier middle school. Delivery scheduled for 2022

Inauguration of the Robert Doisneau high school
The inauguration of the Operation of partial restructuring and extension of the Robert Doisneau high school in Corbeil-Essonnes (2,500 students, 190 classes) took place this Tuesday, October 1 in the presence of Valérie Pécresse President of the Île-de-France Region, Charline Avenel Rector of the Academy of Versailles, Chancellor of the Universities, Jean-Pierre Bechter, Mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes, Dominique Nguyen Duc Long, Principal of the R.Doisneau high school and the teams of the DE-SO agency, representative architects and TERRENEUVE associated architects.

AFPS Award for Seismic Architecture 2019
The middle school of Ouangani in Mayotte just received the AFPS-CAREX 2019 Award for Seismic Architecture