Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime de Saint-Malo
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Middle school Ecoquartier, Rémire-Montjoly French Guyana
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International Highschool Alexandre Dumas, Algiers
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Individual housing, Le Havre
94 social housing units ZAC Masséna, Paris
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French Highshool Victor Hugo, Frankfurt
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Mamoudzou Sud highschool, Mayotte
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Robert Doisneau High School, Corbeil Essonnes
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Middle school of Ouangani, Mayotte
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Student housing, Pierrefitte
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Primary school Célestin Freinet, Dagana Senegal
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Center for shared museum archives and reserves, La Rochelle
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French Highshool Charles Lepierre, Lisbon
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Garden City Aplemont district, Le Havre
Renovation of the Dobrée Museum, Nantes
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35 social housing units, Morsang-sur-Orge
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Cultural Pole, Chambly
School complex, Vincennes
French Highshool Victor Hugo, Marrakech
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93 social housing units and retail, Grigny
Documentary centre of the Army museum, Paris
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Education complex Gabriel fauré, Paris
Université Régionale des Métiers, Marseille
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French International School, Hong Kong
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11 social housing units rue Villiers de l’Ile Adam, Paris
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Sports complex and gymnasium, Nouakchott
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Majicavo middle school, Mayotte
Urban Arts Centre, Epinay-sous-Sénart
Community recreational centre, Magnanville
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33 wooden housing units, Aubervilliers
Jean Mermoz French Highschool, Dakar
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Louise Michel library, Paris
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Artist Mario d'Souza studio, Menetou-Salon
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Glass museum, Sars-Poteries
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Sealed Air Packforum Showroom, Paris Nord
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Archéological museum , Douai
24 social housing units and crèche rue Falguière, Paris
Extension of the highshool Théodore Monod, Nouakchott
Highschool Uruguay-France, Fontainebleau-Avon
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Institute of Islamic Cultures, Paris
Media library, Méricourt
Don Quichotte multimedia library, La Plaine-Saint-Denis
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Mainville school complex, Draveil
Marly school complex, Switzerland
Crèche and centre for child and mother welfare, Paris
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Crèche Binet, Paris
University Institute of Technology, Meaux
Music house, Châteauneuf-sur-Loire
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Associations centre, Aubergenville
Restructuring of the National Archives Reception and Research Center (CARAN), Paris
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ZAC Robiquette, Rennes
School complex, Rolleville
Media library, Montargis
Media library, Gradignan
Media library, Dijon
Horticultural production center, Blois
School complex, Brunoy
Maradas stadium, Cergu-Pontoise
Moulin Blanc harbour, Brest
Seine-Stade urban development, Colombes
Memorial Interpretation Center, Thiepval
Léopold Gardey school, Bures-sur-Yvette
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Call for young Architects - Housing, Paris
Cultural centre, Pornichet
Eco-museum, Port en Bessin
Media library, Lisieux
Multipurpose hall, Château-du-Loir
Cultural centre, Cran Gévrier
Rochambeau district urban development, Vendôme
Leipzig Fine Arts museum, Germany
Leisure center, Moisson-Mousseau
Grain De Sable cinema studios, Montreuil
Europan 4, Saint-Ouen l'Aumône
International Garden Festival, Chaumont-sur-Loire
Somme Bay Shellfish Center, Le Crotoy
Industrial multi-tenant building, Gentilly
Europan 3, Grande-Synthe
Private house, Pomponne
Pan University, La Défense
Europan 2, Duisburg Germany
Development of Piazzale Roma, Venice
Tomorrow's media library
Triangle de la Folie, La Défense